Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia 'Anita Taulangovaka (Ana Sisifa)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Mary Ancillita Roberge
"To make known the tender love of God for all, Sister immersed herself in the people and in the culture and worked for the advancement of women and of the family."
In a few words, that was the life of our Sister Malia Sofia Tafilagi. She lived among the women and the young girls. All her life she witnessed to the spirit of Mary. Like Saint Paul, Sr Malia Sofia wanted to be " all to all" and stayed close to the people in her simplicity. Like our pioneers, whose primary work was the education of all the women, Malia Sofia was in, a very special way, close to the women and the children.
Monika Tafilagi (Sr M. Sofia in religion), daughter of Sepasetiano Tafilagi and Malia Liufau, was born at Te'esi, Mu'a (Wallis) on May 3rd 1913. She was the youngest of a family of seven children. In 1937, she entered the Postulate of the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary (SMSM), made her novitiate and her religious profession at Lano, Wallis, on April 10, 1940. She made her perpetual vows on April 10th 1946.She lived her entire missionary life between Wallis and Futuna. She had a short stay in Noumea in October 1969 and returned there March 13th 1986, for a holiday and some health care. Leaving the community at Kolopelu in 1992, she came to Sofala where she remained until today.
Until February of this year she was able to be independent. At the beginning of that month, her strength began to diminish. She was hospitalized twice at Wallis. When she returned to the community the second time, she could no longer eat. It was the beginning of a long Way of the Cross that she accepted with faith and serenity. A long time of trial prepared her for her encounter with her Lord. She loved to pray looking at the Cross. Anyone who visited or gave her some service received a kind and loving word. Despite her suffering, she always had a little smile. She never stopped thanking people who came to visit.
She passed away peacefully at 5 am on Sunday, April 19th 2009, surrounded by her sisters at Notre Dame in Sofala.
Thank you Malia Sofia for your smile, your sense of humour, for your witness of fidelity and availability in the footsteps of the pioneers. Rest now in peace!
Sr Malia Sosefo TUULAKI, smsm
Coordinator for Wallis and Futuna