Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia 'Anita Taulangovaka (Ana Sisifa)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Mary Ancillita Roberge
“joyfully given to God
for the kingdom
in the spirit of Mary”.
(SMSM Constitutions 23)
Our Pioneers felt impelled to live their vocation
as Missionaries
as Marists
as Religious
“We too wish to respond with joy to the call of Christ” (ibid. 2) to us today in our world:
“We are ready to leave our own country,
to set out and set out again,
towards other peoples and other cultures” (ibid. 16), knowing that God’s spirit
goes before us and is with us.
We are “sent
to those who do not know Christ,
to those who are seeking to know Him,
or to local Churches in need of missionary service”. (ibid. 17)
“Among other people and in our own country,
in respect and dialogue
we try to be bonds of communion
between peoples, races, and cultures,
and witnesses to universal love”. (ibid. 22)
We try to live, as it were, the life of Mary
in her faithful service at Nazareth
in her presence among the apostles in the newborn Church
We want to be present to others in today’s world as Mary was,
enabling them to use their gifts
to bring about the reign of God.
We belong to the Marist family, together with
Marist Brothers (FMS)
Marist Fathers (SM)
Marist Sisters (SM)
Marist Laity
“Christ has gathered us together in one and the same family under the name of Mary, to participate in His mission”. (ibid. 152)
In prayer
“As the sap nourishes the plant,
and makes it bear fruit,
so prayer nourishes our lives
consecrated for mission
making them fruitful.
From both community celebration
and personal encounter with the Lord,
prayer flows into action,
where we remain united with Him
who has overwhelmed us with His love
and in whom we find our joy.
Action sends us back to prayer
which completes our activity,
broadens its scope,
and directs it towards the glory of God
and the salvation of the world". (ibid. 119)
In community
We live in international communities
“trying to be messengers and witnesses
of the Good News for one another and,
together, for others”. (ibid. 153)
“In an atmosphere which reflects
the presence of the Lord and His mother,
we live together and share what we have,
we pray together and gather around the Eucharistic table,
we seek together how best to serve in mission”. (ibid. 154)
As consecrated religious
In becoming a consecrated religious, each of us makes a vowed commitment to follow Christ above all
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