Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Deceased Sister: Sr. Maria Lena Temponi
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
“Gentle Virgin Mary, we belong to you
We give you our lives
And we bless you for having chosen us.”
Sr Marie Annick loved the hymn cited above. During her long sickness, she referred to it continually and during the last two weeks of her life the Sisters sang the hymn at her bedside. She died on the night of 16 September 2007 at 10:15 pm. Her health had deteriorated suddenly on August 6. The sisters took turns day and night to pray at her bedside. On the eve of 8 September Fr. Luigi gave her the Sacrament of the sick, and many priests came to pray at her bedside.
The funeral Mass took place at the Church of Paray followed by the burial at Montmartre cemetery. The main celebrant was Fr. Patrice, Administrator of the diocese, assisted by Fathers Janique and Bénédicto SM and Fr. Luc Klem.
Prior to her sickness, Sister never thought that the end of her life could possibly be near. She was in good health in spite of painful arthritis, but she continued to occupy herself with knitting, reading, being interested in everything that was happening and asking many questions.
Sr. Marie Annick (Marguerite SOTIN) was born on February 18, 1916 at Heiric in France. She was the seventh in a family of ten children. She still has four brothers and sisters living with whom she corresponded regularly, as well as with her nephews and nieces.
On September 8, 1940 she made Profession in Beaulieu, near Lyon, and in 1943 she made her Perpetual Vows while still in France. In 1946, after World War II, she was missioned to Wallis and Futuna. At first she taught in the schools, but later she was the nurse in the various dispensaries of Wallis and Futuna. In 1956-57, she went for her LTSR renewal in France and then returned to her mission in Wallis.
In 1970 she went on home leave and took time for spiritual renewal. Missioned to the New Hebrides (now known as Vanuatu) in 1972, she worked at the hospital of Santo for a few months and then at the Dispensary at Port-Olry. In 1980, she was sent to the mission stations of Olal, on the island of Ambrym, then to Imaki, on the island of Tanna.
From 1984 to 1987 after her vacation in France she was asked to be the care giver for our senior Sisters at Ste-Foy-les-Lyon. Once again she left for Oceania, this time in New Caledonia where she gave community service at La Foa and Ile des Pins. Returning to Vanuatu she helped in the communities of Fanafo and Lamap as well as working in the Women’s Clubs.
In 1996, she was asked to come to the Regional House at Paray to be the care-giver for Fr, Monnier, sm who was not well. She then went to Vao to assist the community for a short period.
In 1999 she went to France for the last time and was undecided about returning to Oceania. After spending some three months with her family, she did decide to return to Vanuatu. She spent time in the communities of Fanafo, Saint-Michel and in 2004 she was at Foyer Nabanga, in Vila. Her arthritic condition gave her a lot of pain, and finally she had to be transferred to our Rest House, “Notre-Dame” where she remained until her death.
Sr. Marie Annick was a very devoted and hard working person ever ready to volunteer her service when a need was expressed. She loved to visit the people in the villages even when she was having a difficult time to move around.
We thank you Sr. Marie Annick for all that you have been for us. We now confide to your prayers, our Congregation and the Diocese of Vanuatu which is still without a Shepherd.
Sr. Madeleine Fassion