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Prayer intentions - 11/2023

Prayer Intentions of the Pope

Each month the Pope invites all members of the Church to pray for particular needs. This month the Prayer Intentions of the Pope are:

We pray for the Holy Father; as he fulfils his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world

Join with us in praying for the needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world, in particular for:

For persons with disabilities

We pray that people living with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions may offer inclusive programmes which value their active participation."



5 Nov:  Anniversary of the death of Sr Marie de la Misericorde, foundress of the Sisters of Our Lady of Oceania, (Jeanne Marie Claudine Basset, - Aleipata, Samoa, 1904)

15 Nov: Anniversary of the death of Jean Claude Colin (1875)

15 Nov:  Departure of Marie Francoise Perroton for Oceania (1845) 


Let us continue to remember in our prayers:

  • The victims of the wars in Ukraine and Israel.  Those affected by the 32 ongoing conflicts in the world at present, ranging from drug wars, terrorist insurgencies, ethnic conflicts, to civil wars.
  • Our generous benefactors who help us by their prayers and sacrifices, and the funding agencies who respond to our requests.  
  • Our sisters, our loved ones and our benefactors who have died recently, and all those who have died because of war and natural disasters.