Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Deceased Sister: Sr. Maria Lena Temponi
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
What does it mean to be Marist?
Here we touch on the mysterious choice of God and of Mary.
To be Marist is to be a member of a family as sisters, brothers, priests, lay people of the Society of Mary, learning to live something of her life in the Church today. I want to share with you three Gospel snapshots about Marist living: first Mary in Nazareth and Mary at the Visitation.
It may be said that Mary was on a missionary journey when she went to visit her cousin Elisabeth. It was the joy of encounter.I experienced moments like this especially in my first years on mission in Fiji and Mauritania.
In London, at the Refugee Centre, I discovered Mary at the foot of the Cross, listening to the life stories of the refugees who came to the centre:
-of their suffering, the loss of their families and their country
- of violence and even torture.
But at the same time I was touched by their gratitude for our listening ear, despite the little we could do for them.
Who is Mary for me today in this pandemic?
A few weeks ago I was sent a beautiful picture of our Church in London, doors and gate firmly locked, with the caption: "Jesus came and stood in their midst." (Jn 20:19) I also think of Mary present with the disciples in the Upper Room - behind the locked doors.
You can feel and see the fear and confusion. But they prayed, they talked and searched together how to live in expectation of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps us too: we can seek together as we live through this post-covid stage, as families, in the Church and in society.
With Mary we pray in this new Church coming to birth.
Sr Catherine Jones, smsm