Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Deceased Sister: Sr. Maria Lena Temponi
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
Born: 20 December 1936
Professed: 08 December 1958
Died: 23 April 2024
“Happy are those who die in the Lord. Happy indeed, the spirit says: Now they can rest forever after their works, since their good deeds go with them.” Rev.14:13
Sister Emanuela Betham was born on the 20th of January 1936, at Leagiagi, Samusu, Aleipata. Her parents are Sesilia and Gus Victor Betham. Her sister Bettie is the youngest of the girls and she is the only surviving sibling. Family was important to Emanuela and she loved them all especially her nieces and nephews. Her sister Bettie and family often spend time to visit Sr Emanuela and they really cared for her until her last day in this life. They have known Eamnuela as a person with so much strength and dedication to her religious life. She gave her best for her Congregation and her ministry not only for Samoa but for the congregation as a whole. I have known Emanuela as a woman of courage and powerful in her leadership ministry. She determined to get the best of anything she wanted to achieve. She is not afraid to move forward to give and share the best of her with and for everyone.
Sister Emanuela entered the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary on December 1955.and was professed on 8th December, 1958 and had her Final Profession 8 December, 1964. Sister Emanuela Betham had many gifts and she shared these gift with many areas and mission of the Congregation. After first profession Emanuela stayed back in the Novitiate to help the community and to teach Music and do sacristy work from 1958-1961.
After the Novitiate she came to Samoa and she did some upgrade in education. 1968 she went to Falealupo and became the Head Teacher of the Primary school. 1971-1973 she studied at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. After USP she came back to Samoa and became the Deputy Principal at St Mary’s College, Vaimoso from 1974-1976. She had a chance to go for a renewal in Sydney Australia from Midyear till December 1976. After renewal she returned to Samoa and became the Principal of St Mary’s College in 1977- 1979. In February 1981she went to Auckland University to study Language and in July 1981 she was missioned to Rome and became the General Bursar for the Congregation in 1981 – 1988.
In 1989 – 1992 she came back to Samoa and became the Regional Superior. 1993 – 1996, Moved to the Retirement Home for the Senior Sisters and was the Superior of the community until she went back to Rome in 1997- 2001, doing community service and became the Community Leader and helped with other ministries in Rome. She came back to Auckland and did CPE course and she had a chance to come to Samoa for her Bereavement leave and taught at St Mary’s College. 2004-2007 she was elected as one of the Provincial Councilor and did a course in Spiritual Growth and also attended formation ministry in 2006-2007. 2008-2011 she returned to Samoa and became the Sector Coordinator for the Retirement Home at Maota Marista. 2012, she took a spiritual Course in the States at Berkley Santa Clara University. Returned to Samoa, in 2013-2018 she joined the Savalalo Community and taught at the Theological College, taking spirituality, Prayer and Mission and Liturgy and Church History. She really enjoyed her time with the students and she often shared her aspirations that a good chance to serve the local church, as a Missionary Sister of the Society of Mary.
In 2019 she was more or less doing community services and I know she spend so much time in trying to put together the History of the congregation in Samoa. Unfortunately she gave her best to do all that work but she wasn’t able to complete it. .
In late September, 2021, Malia Emanuela was hospitalized at the National Hospital Motootua with a stroke and she was there for almost four weeks before she was moved to the Little Sisters of the Poor for recuperation in November. After spending seven months at Mapauifagalele, Emanuela, herself felt the need to return to the Retirement Home at Maota Marista, and joined the Vailoa Community in May 2022.
Her health seemed to deteriorate and that lead her to encounter many challenges in herself and eventually experiencing the difficulty in her speech. It was difficult to communicate with Sister during her illness but the sisters in the community and the care givers made great effort in responding to her needs. When the sisters visited Emanuela you can tell she is in good space when she gives you a nice big smile and even tried to say something to let you know she is with you in good heart.
8th December.1964. Emanuela has lived her Marist, Missionary, and Religious Life to the full for 66 years. She gave her all for the service of the church through the Congregation in the spirit of Mary. She was ever ready to give a helping hand to anyone who was in need of her love and care. A woman of work and prayer, she had to make sure the liturgy for every Mass is properly looked at and planned it well. She took pride in living her catholic faith and abide by it no matter what.
We would like to thank everyone for the prayerful support you rendered during Sister Emanuela’s illness. A special thank you for Sister’s Emanuela’s family for the loving care was shown. And thank you so much for the personnel of Maota Marista community for their loving care.
I would like to end with number 54 of our Constitution:
“In Mary, we find strength and understanding in our weaknesses and difficulties. Being close to God she can obtain for us by her prayer the grace of joy and fidelity, and we ask her to deepen in us that faith and love which animated her.”
Sister Masela Tenisio, smsm