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Fidelia VARINI

List of Deceased Sisters

Date of Death 27/09/2007

"I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother, my soul within me is like a weaned child" (Ps 130).

S. Fidelia Varini was born at Ghedi (Brescia, Italy) 2 December 1928, daughter of Isidoro and Luigina de Morandi.

Responding to a call to give her life as a Missionary Sister of the Society of Mary, Sister Fidelia went to France for her Novitiate when she was 22 years old.

She worked as a nurse at the Leprosarium at Makogai, Fiji and later in New Caledonia and Italy.

Over the latter years Sister Fidelia lived with poor health, but her spirit of faith, trust and serenity were evident. She was grateful for all her community did to help her.

She died 27 September 2007.