Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia 'Anita Taulangovaka (Ana Sisifa)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Mary Ancillita Roberge
Born: 15 May 1934
Professed: 20 November 1958
Died: 28 June 2023
Sister Marie André Romary, Monique Romary, was born into a deeply Christian family on 15 May 1934 at Offemont Belfort in France. She was the third of seven siblings. Her father was in the army.
With a very deep desire to give her life to the Lord, Marie André entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, in Chatel, Jura on 8 May 1956. On 21 November 1963 she committed herself for life to this Congregation.
Due to health problems, Marie André’s journey took another path, and on 30 January 1969, she travelled to New Caledonia. She placed herself at the service of Catholic Education and began a teaching career that would last throughout her active life. A true educator, her dedication knew no bounds, neither with the children nor with her colleagues. Anxious to instruct and educate all children from every walk of life, her life was entirely devoted to teaching. In recognition of her skills, she was appointed lecturer at the Catholic Teachers’ Training College in Noumea.
Being very close to our smsm sisters, she discovered the richness of our Constitutions, and in 1989 became an associate member. Appointed Principal of the school in Kone, she was introduced to smsm community life. In her desire to be totally given to the Lord, Marie André asked to become an SMSM. After a period of religious formation and a few months of novitiate in Rome, she made her perpetual profession in the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary on 25 January 1991.
A new period of her life began on her return to New Caledonia. In 1991 she was sent to the Isle of Pines as Principal of Notre Dame des Anges school. In 1994, following a few months stay at Imaki in Vanuatu, she was assigned to the Vallée des Colons, Noumea, where she devoted herself to catechesis and parish ministry. It was there that she would, for numerous years, devote all her energy and her whole heart, helping Father Jacquin, the parish priest.
In 1997 and 2001 Marie André had the joy of returning to France for several months of holiday and of seeing her family again. In May 2005 she was asked to serve as secretary at our Generalate in Rome. Upon her return to New Caledonia, she helped out at Mont-Mou Accueil. In 2009 she returned to St Jean Baptiste Parish in Noumea, devoting herself to pastoral work and animation of prayer groups, but also to visiting Father Jacquin, who had retired to the Home for the Elderly run by the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Due to health problems, Marie André moved to the Cana community at Rivière Salée. In 2019, she was hospitalized due to a fractured hip. Despite rehabilitation, she remained fragile, so she was transferred to Nazareth community at Mont-Mou in April 2020. Several times she was hospitalised at Médipôle. During the Covid epidemic, she found herself in the geriatric ward at Nouville, going almost a month without a visit, due to the epidemic.
It was on Wednesday, 28 June 2023, just after she had been re-hospitalized, that the Lord came to take Marie André. May the Lord welcome her into his Kingdom, after a full life, completely given over to ministry. Having remained very attached to her first Congregation, the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, we are sure that Mary, our Mother and perpetual Superior, welcomed Marie André with open arms.
People from all ethnic groups and all walks of life gathered at St Louis on 03 July to farewell Marie Andre; a vibrant testimony of a life well lived because “we try to be bonds of communion between peoples, races and cultures, and witnesses to universal love” (Const. 22).
Sr Marie Ida smsm