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Sister Malia Melesete Malalua

List of Deceased Sisters

Date of Death 06/02/2023

Sister Malia Melesete MALALUA smsm

Born : 25 November 1934  Sigave Futuna

Professed :  16 July 1957 Wallis

Died :  6 February 2023 Wallis

Daughter of Kamilo MALALUA and Losa USUKA, Sister M. Melesete’s given name was Atonia Malalua.  She entered the novitiate of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary in Sofala on July 15, 1955, taking the name of Malia Melesete. Her first profession was on July 16 1957, and she took her perpetual vows on July 16, 1963.

She was missioned in several different countries. After her final vows, she was named for the community in Hihifo (Wallis) where she taught for 6 years. Then she returned to Mata’Utu to continue as a teacher for 2 years before being named for Malaetoli where she continued in the same work for 3 years. Sister Malia Melesete was then asked to go to Mont Mou, New Caledonia, for formation in biblical studies and catechesis. In 1982 she was missioned to Vanuatu where she served for 7 years, after which she left for Mauritania where she worked for 4 years.

The Congregation offered her the possibilities of spiritual renewal in New Caledonia and Rome. She left to study English in New Zealand in preparation for Fiji where she attended the South Pacific Commission, SPC (known today as the Pacific Community), in 1978. This course on community development (arts, handicrafts) was to enable her to work with women.

In 2014 M. Melesete began to show signs of Alhzeimers. She was asked to leave Futuna and return to Wallis where she joined the community of Notre Dame for the rest of her days. In spite of the difficulties encountered, Sister Malia Melesete never complained. She was a courageous, quiet, humble religious who was always ready to welcome people and help others. Her good sense of humour gave joy to those around her.She loved the beauty of nature and the beautiful flowers in the gardens of the communities where she was missioned. Thank you, Sister M. Melesete, for your love and your joy. Rest in peace in the hands of your Lord and of Mary, our Mother.

The Lord came for S.M.Melesete at 8 o’clock in the morning of Monday 6 February 2023. She was 89 years old. Celebrated by Frs Jean Yves and François Jaupître, Sister’s Requiem Mass was  at 2.30 that afternoon in Sofala. The King and chiefs, the Third Order of Mary, family members, and many friends of S.M.Melesete came to accompany her to her final resting place at Sofala.


Sister M. Pelenatita Galuofenua smsm