Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Deceased Sister: Sr. Maria Lena Temponi
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
Born: 30 January 1935
Professed: 16 July 1959
Deceased: 6 January 2022
Marie was the name she was given at Baptism. Marie was born on 30 January, 1935 in Taoa village, the child of Mr Paulo KATOA and Sesilia SIPILI. She was the oldest of five siblings. She entered the novitiate of the Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary at Sofala (Wallis) on 15 July 1957. On 16 July 1959 she made first profession at Lano, and was given the name Sister Marie Vincent de Paul. On 8 September 1966 she made perpetual profession at Sofala.
Her first sending on mission by the Congregation was to New Caledonia and later she was missioned to Vanuatu. On her return from Vanuatu Sister worked at the service of young people of Wallis and Futuna in the field of education: at the boarding schools at Malaetoli and Sofala. She was also involved in catechesis, especially in primary schools, and in visiting families. Sister Malia Visesio Paulo (Marie Vincent de Paul) was also given the opportunity to go and spend time in France and Rome during a Spiritual Renewal, and to deepen her knowledge in her areas of ministry.
In 2015 she slipped and fractured the neck of her femur, necessitating medical evacuation to New Caledonia. On her return from New Caledonia, she was appointed to Notre Dame community for elderly Sisters, where she remained for the rest of her life. She was a happy, patient, very quiet Sister who was interested in the people who visit us, and loved to tell little stories that made them laugh. She suffered a great deal from the lesions on her feet, but never complained. As a service, she read the news received to the Sisters of the community, and shared things with the Sisters. Sister Malia Visesio Paulo, (Sister Marie Vincent de Paul), in spite of everything she endured, was always faithful to prayer, the Eucharist and adoration, except when she felt very tired.
We give thanks for her life of fidelity. Despite the sores on her feet, she allowed her smile to dispel her sadness. Whenever we were having a community meeting, she would say to us: “I always desire to be true to myself, because all the time I do what I want…” I shall never forget her comment; it expresses the simplicity of her life, and was a reality. She liked article 5 of our Constitutions very much: "Our specific vocation in the church is to be at the one and same time Missionary, Marist, Religious. ... is for each of us the path to holiness and the way of sharing in the mission entrusted to the congregation. "
It was around 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, 6 January, 2022 that she peacefully passed away. May the good Lord welcome her to His kingdom where she will find the promised rest. Malolo ite fiafia.
Sister Lutekate FAUVALE.