Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Deceased Sister: Sr. Maria Lena Temponi
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
Born: 02 January 1933
Professed: 9 March 1957
Deceased: 31 December 2021
Sister Marie Claire LOUPPE was born in Etalle, Belgium on 2 January 1933, into a close-knit family, very much in contact with the Marists.
She entered the postulate in Lyon in September 1954 and made her profession on 9 March 1957.
After her profession, she studied in Lyon and obtained a Diploma in Home Economics and a certificate in First Aid.
Sister left for New Hebrides at the end of 1958 where she made her perpetual vows on 9 March 1963.
Her first appointment was in Port Vila, in 1959, where she taught Home Economics.
She then taught in primary schools: in 1961 in Sainte Thérèse on Santo, in 1964 in Melsisi and in 1965 in Montmartre on Vaté.
In 1969, she returned to Europe for a family visit, then gave service in the kitchen in Sainte Foy and then went to Rome for her Second Novitiate.
In 1972 she returned to New Hebrides: to Lolopuepue on Aoba, then Melsisi on Pentecost Island where she again taught Home Economics
In 1974 she returned to Belgium to care her mother for a few years.
In June 1977 she returned to the community and was appointed to Saint-Victoret, then to Paris where, with Sister M. Georges, she remained for years at the service of the sisters passing through, and helped at the Procure.
In 2003 she had time in Belgium to help one of her sick brothers. On her return to the community, she went for a time to Saint-Victoret and then to Sainte-Foy.
From 2006 she went back to Belgium, first of all to help one of her brothers. Then her link with the Congregation became very tenuous. Finally, she asked for and obtained permission to live outside community.
Her brother Pierre, took care of her, providing her with a small studio. As Sister became more and more disabled, he continued to look after her with dedication until her death.
Sister Marie Claire had many gifts for domestic arts: cleanliness, cooking (we remember in particular her good cakes), sewing.
S.M. Claire had difficulty following a community life and eating normally. She would do a favor with a smile, then isolate herself. Her health gradually deteriorated.
During these last years, she kept in contact by telephone with Sister Anne Marie Mevellec and received the bulletins of the Congregation. As her health continued to deteriorate, she could hardly answer the phone and finally did not answer at all.
It was her brother who announced her death to Sister Anne-Marie Mevellec. Her funeral took place in her parish in Belgium, on 5 January 2022.
May the Lord welcome her into his peace.
Sr Marie José de Préville smsm