Deceased Sister: Sr. Julienne Santos
Joining us
Deceased Sister: Sr. Jeannette Bernier (Sr. Mary Peter Chanel)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia 'Anita Taulangovaka (Ana Sisifa)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Malia Vitalina Evelina So’oto
Deceased Sister: Sr. Janet Veno (Sr. Mary Elaine)
Deceased Sister: Sr. Mary Ancillita Roberge
Sister Filomena FOLOKA 1933 - 1921
Sister Filomena FOLOKA was born on 4 July 1933 in the village of Falaleu in Hahake (Wallis). She was the eldest of six siblings, two girls and four boys. Sister Filomena was the daughter of FOLOKA Soane Samuele Hausia and Seilala Falakika SELUI. She entered the convent at Sofala on 15 July 1954. In the years that followed she made her novitiate in 1956 and then made First Profession in 1957, receiving the religious name "Sister Marie de l’Eucharistie". From 1963 to 1964, she was in Noumea receiving training on the “Promotion of Women”. In 1963 she made her Perpetual Profession in Noumea. Returning to Wallis in 1965, Sister Filomena became a member of the Vilamalia community, and remained there until 1972 as the Sister in charge of formation of the older girls who had started their working life. In 1973 she was appointed to Futuna where she continued to help young girls learn homemaking skills (sewing, cooking, hygiene etc.) In 1974 she went to Noumea in New Caledonia for a time of renewal, and after that she helped the Mont Mou community with community services until 1976.Then, returning to Wallis again in 1977 she became part of the Sofala community until 1988, working as a formator at the Boarding School for young girls. In 1989 she was appointed to Mua, spending much of her time taking care of the sacristy and the church linen. Sister Malia Filomena was well-known by people. She was one of our Sisters who was an excellent seamstress. In 1990 she returned to Poi, where she once more took care of the sacristy and carried out various services in the community until 1996. After that she returned to Wallis, where she was a member of the Malaetoli community, and continued to take care of the young girls and give them lessons in home science. In 2007, she was called back to Poi on Futuna. There she worked unceasingly with the young girls, forming them to carry out all kinds of small community services, and teaching them catechism.
It was during this time on Futuna, that Sister Malia Filomena suffered a malaise which could not be treated on the island. After returning to Wallis, she was evacuated to Noumea for medical care. After her stay in Nouméa, she returned to Wallis in 2008, and became a member of the Notre Dame community. During this period, Sister Malia Filomena got about in a wheelchair, taking part in times of community prayer and at the Eucharist. As her strength diminished and she could no longer endure moving about even a little, she henceforth remained confined to bed, happily accepting any service that was done for her, always thanking our young ones. Sister Malia Filomena, nevertheless, did not cease praising the Lord’s name each day and even at night. When we were praying Vespers, we could always hear her singing like this: “I love you; love me” or even: “I ask for the grace of patience, the grace of love”. These were the choruses which she sang or repeated all day long.
Sister Malia Filomena was loved by her family; her brothers, nephews and nieces came regularly to visit her. When her brother Petelo saw the change in her condition, he frequently came with his wife Koleti to spend time with her. Sister Malia Filomena also participated at community prayer, she would sing out loud when she knew a particular hymn or psalm etc. ... and she faithfully participated in the Eucharist until her final day. It was at 4:45 am, on Monday, the feast of All Saints, 1 November 2021, that Sister Malia Filomena serenely left this world, without any noise, having received all she longed for. Sister Malia Filomena had been waiting a long time for this hour. It was at the end of a lifelong journey of hope, of total trust in God that Sister Malia Filomena left us. Thank you for your life of fidelity and self-denial out of love for God and our mother Mary.
"Lord open for her the door to Your everlasting dwelling! May she find the promised eternal rest."
Sister Lutekate, smsm