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News inserted on 18/07/2010

Set out into the deep – French long-term spiritual renewal

SMSM SistersThe Longterm spiritual renewal is a journey into the interior! The journey began with the different voyages of each one towards Via Cassia. It was a time of reunion for some, and for others, the joy of getting acquainted!

On Sunday, 28 February 2010, we officially began our renewal with the Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Fr. Kevin Duffy sm. The liturgy was enriched by hymns sung in our different languages, with a Futunian liturgical dance for the procession of the Word of God and a Rwandan dance accompanying the offertory procession.

The theme of the celebration: Set out into the deep water to deepen, reaffirm and be renewed in Hope and Joy! These words accompanied us during the 4 months of renewal.

We deepened the three dimensions of our smsm vocation in the Church…Missionary, Marist, Religious.

MISSIONARY In total availability…

Religion – Faith – Culture…
What do these words mean?
What is the relationship between them?

Mission inter-gentes
• Where are the new mission fields that call us today?
• For whom are we called to make a preferential option?
• How are we to live and serve during this time that is called “post-modern”?

On mission… a question of style
• A simple life for better credibility
• Proximity and hospitality
• Justice and peace and intercongregational collaboration
• Interreligious Dialogue
• Inculturation of religious life
• Listening is perhaps the most beautiful gift we can give to someone…
Listening begins by stopping our “interior film”, the monologue that we carry, in order to be transformed by the other.

Justice and Peace and the Integrity of Creation….
SMSM Sisters
The Marist Spirit
The Marist spirit is an important element of our charism, a pure gift of God that we need to make fruitful in our lives for the church and the world.

The charism
The charism is something confided to us during our lives as SMSM, a mystery into which we enter little by little with the heart. Each one of us carries a responsibility for the future of
this gift.

Our history… 1845, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1881, 1931

To be Marist
Is to prefer the heart in place of reason,
The person in place of Law,
Solidarity in place of power
Faith in God in place of self-reliance
Mercy in place of justice.

The first formators
Women of faith with hope in the future…Mme des Groues, M. Marie Denyse, Sr Marie Louis Chanel…
“Father General wanted a formation that in assuring the present would guarantee the future” Mme des Groues

Presentations to help us capture the spirit of the other members of the Marist family
The Marist Fathers - The Marist Sisters - The Marist Brothers - Marist Laity

The Vision of the Marist Laity:
The name and the spirit of Mary - For “evangelization” - Open to all - Variety of structures and practices - Independent but in communion with the other branches


Religious Life Today
How can our religious life be prophetic?
Our communities ought to be an example of “positive” globalization.

SMSM Community life

Time with themes fundamental to our Marist calling:

Towards intimate union with God
Intimate union with God is not something that we can achieve ourselves. It is founded on the relationship with God who invites me … It is something that develops throughout our lives; a movement towards…God has been the first to come towards us … …It’s an invitation to love… God… and others.

--- and deep love for others
Our society is desperately searching for the lasting relationships that are the gift of people who love.
The greatest power that Christians have for attracting the men and women of our society to Jesus Christ is the model of reciprocal love among us.
The more we progress in our mutual love, the more we build relationships of love, the more effective we will be in influencing our society.

Hidden and unknown in the world:
A presence that is gentle, peaceful, modest…that resists power, prestige, ostentation…that unites prayer and apostolic life…that necessitates the stripping away of all self-seeking.

One in heart and soul like the first Christian communities – Eucharist – Mary, first and perpetual Superior – By a gracious choice – Becoming witnesses to God’s love and instruments of divine mercy

Mary is our Mother, our sister and our model, especially in prayer.
She who is full of grace and who lives intimately with the Trinity, helps us to discover the Face of God in whom we have been created.

The Word invites us to go forth – following His Way...

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