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Prayer intentions - 08/2021

Prayer Intentions of the Pope

Each month the Pope invites all members of the Church to pray for particular needs. This month the Prayer Intentions of the Pope are:


Intention for evangelization - The Church

Let us pray for the Church, that She may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.

Needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world

Join with us in praying for the needs of the Church, the Congregation and the world, in particular for:

Let us continue to remember in our prayers:

9   August -  International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

12 August - International Youth Day

19 August - World Humanitarian Day

29 August - International Day against Nuclear Tests



We remember our Sisters celebrating Jubilees, and thank God for all the graces they have received through belonging to the Congregation:

70 years

15 August 1951     Sr. Sylvia KIRCHER                   USA

15 August 1951     Sr. Mary Stephen MALONEY    USA


25 years

15 August 1996     Sr. Kieoma FINAU                      Peru

15 August 1996     Sr. Lupetea VEA                          Tonga

15 August 1996     Sr. Sela FAKAHUA                     Philippines


Let us continue to remember in our prayers:

§  All those who are discerning their vocations today.

§  Refugees and migrants who feel they have nowhere to belong.

§  SMSM who work with refugees and victims of human trafficking and help to give them a sense of belonging.

§  Our sisters and novices who are waiting for visas.

§  Our sick sisters and sick members of our families.

§  Our sisters and our loved ones who have died recently.

§  All those suffering from COVID-19, and those who minister to them.